Developer search for a good and, most importantly, competent specialist is not an easy task. When a person who is looking for such a professional is not familiar with the subject, they may face a whole range of different problems. If you're one of many people who are in search of a suitable programmer, our article is just what you need.
The Importance and Value of the Right Programmer Choice
Some CEOs of different companies who are not so computer-savvy can have problems finding and hiring the right specialists to realize their ideas and projects. If such a person has an interesting idea for creating a start-up, he will need a development specialist to work through and bring the customer's ideas to life. To choose the right employee, you will have to conduct a proper interview with a lot of developers. There is a logical question of how to find the right person who will fit your needs.
Where to Start When Hiring a Programmer
Before proceeding with the choice of specialist, you should find the answers to the following questions:
- What kind of developer tasks do you have?
- What areas of expertise a programmer should be?
- What kind of programmer services should they provide?
- Are you actually ready to search for a programmer?
3 Developer Types
Nowadays, there are three developer types that you should look for. So if the person you choose has any of these characteristics, you can consider finding them a good groundwork for the future.
Type 1: Programmer Who Easily Accepts and Deals with Difficult Situations
During an interview with potential candidates, you should ask about the most difficult task they have faced during their work, preferably something from recent software projects. In case a candidate starts talking about working with difficult clients, fixing bugs in the code, or completing projects in time, it's not worth working with such a person. Specialists face all of the previously mentioned programmer problems on a regular basis as these are the ones that indicate the tenacity of the developer’s skills.
Stressful and Flexible Programmer Work
A programmer who copes with complex tasks and is not afraid of them is exactly the specialist worth choosing. For example, a non-trivial problem has occurred at work, a person who has faced it should be able to work under pressure because many factors in programming have a changeable nature.
Type 2: A Programmer Who Explains Technical Aspects
You will need such a specialist if there is a need to understand the concept of electronic services or if you have your own interest in the project. This programmer type explains each decision for understanding the work they do. This will be beneficial in the future as different decisions on a particular issue will be made easier. This is the person who explains certain coding, and why it will work this way - all this will be formed in an accessible form.
Type 3: A programmer who easily adapts to new web projects
Such a person can easily work under strict supervision, to the point where you can sit with them and tell along the way what to do. Under the leadership, such a developer can write and test simple algorithms for this or that project at your request. This type will be useful if your start-up involves a multitasking environment, if there is an error in the work of a program, and you need to fix it quickly.
What Do You Need to Do During The Programmer Search?
All the other program developers - and there are many of them these days - will pretend that they are busy and restart the code from time to time. Since you are the owner of the idea for web projects, you will have to create a whole algorithm of actions and work through some important aspects. The results will affect the future choice of the right programmer.
1.Do the Necessary Research
Depending on the chosen niche of web projects, you will need to carefully study all the technical aspects. You should understand what is your target audience, know who are your direct competitors in the market, and analyze possible problems in the future. It's also a good idea to compare your web projects with existing projects similar to yours and understand where and how yours will stand out. Ideally, your project, of course, should be different from all the others if you want to win the market and users. These days, the potential users are so spoiled by all kinds of services and web projects that they will choose the ones that have proven themselves over time.
2. Find the Right Development Platforms
After you conduct detailed market research, you will be able to find the right platforms for your product. For example, if the majority of your target audience uses the Android system, you should launch an MVP (minimum viable product) for a particular development platform. After getting first regular users and extending the functionality, you can look at the application development for another operating system, like IOS. Development for two platforms at once is much more expensive than launching a project for one platform. Moreover, to write for different platforms you need to know certain programming languages. For example, to develop an application for the IOS, the programmer has to know such languages as Swift and Objective - C. Programmers for Android should know Java and Kotlin.
Other Developers and Programming Languages
When it comes to frontend development, web programmers use several programming languages at once: CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code. To work with databases, you will need programmers who know the MySQL language. Working with the backend will require knowledge of Node.js and C#.
Moreover, depending on the task, developers need to understand what the framework and SDK are. So when creating an offer to hire programmers, you should specify what main programming language will be used.
Nota Bene
You, as the person who has the idea for the start-up, should hire programmers who are highly qualified in a certain type of programming.
3. Make a List of Functions and Tasks
When you have a list of functions for your application or program, the potential developers will understand what kind of technology stack they will have to use for your project. Moreover, the programmer will be able to understand what your idea should look like in the end, they will have a final picture in mind. Of course, you may not have all this when you apply to a company on application development. You will have to at least explain what exactly your attachment should do, what is its essence. Still, such requirements are very vague, and there will not be much valuable information.
The problem of Misinforming The Developer
It is after vague and unclear requirements set by potential customers that business analysts spend many hours deciding and guessing what you need to get from the project after all. If you want to gather a team or hire freelancers, you need to accurately explain your requirements for the project. Most often, when there is a team gathered or freelancers hired, you won't have business analysts to help formulate clear tasks. Thus, it all falls on your shoulders. Because of unclear requirements, the final version of the project is likely to be far from what you've imagined.
Two Directions for A Function List
To create a proper function list, it's best to divide it into two parts:
- The main functionality, or simply MVP, things that need to be done first;
- All sorts of other advanced functions that will eventually lead to more complex programming.
First of all, before hiring a programmer, you should understand clearly what your product is all about. Use your research to make a final decision about your product. With this research, you will be able to find the perfect programming language for your project. Of course, hiring a technical director would be a good idea. Such a person in your team will hold all the communication with programmers and lead the development process. Such a person should be experienced in creating various teams for a particular project. Additionally, the technical director will help you choose the perfect programmers, who will work closely together as a team. You should make sure the job description is correct. In general, hiring a specialist doesn't necessarily have to be a difficult task. However, if for some reason you can't supervise all the work, it's best to start by hiring a technical director.