Adastra Overview
Phone: 905‑881‑7946
Country: Canada
City: Toronto
Address: Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower, 200 Bay Street, Suite 1401, PO Box #82
$25,000 +
1,000 - 9,999
$100 - $149 / hr
Founded 2000
We are experts in managing all things data, from safe credit card transactions, to ensuring accurate medical records, to ground-breaking AI developments. Our mission is to help you manage, control and improve all the data that connects you to the customer, and the customer to the world. Understanding how to manage and improve data opens up an awareness of the infinite number of
connections around us — including human interactions. Through Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Blockchain, IoT and Mobile Apps, we transform the way businesses operate and change customer journey - for the better.
Adastra helps global organizations along their digital transformation journey to innovate and create unforgettable customer experiences with their data.
Services of Adastra
Cloud Computing Focus
30% -
50% -
Google Cloud
Verification of Adastra

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