Alan Ward Consulting

Business Management Consultancy in Berkshire, UK
Business Management Consultancy in Berkshire, UK

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Alan Ward Consulting Overview


Phone: +44.7715.404213

Country: United Kingdom

City: Reading

Address: 6 Donegal Close Caversham

  • Alan Ward Consulting Project's Size


  • Alan Ward Consulting Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Alan Ward Consulting Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

At Alan Ward Consulting, I bring my energy and expertise to clients that see potential to improve their business but have limited resources to explore and draw conclusions on the best way forward. I identify, qualify and put into operation opportunities that ensure my clients maintain relevance and competitive advantage in demanding and ever-changing markets. I do this in partnership with the senior team(s) without requiring those people to take their eyes off their core business activity.

Business development consultancy|Sales, Marketing, Finance, Operations
Specialist consultancy helping small & medium-sized organisations develop their strategy & achieve step function improvements in operations & sales performance

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