
Influencer Marketing, IG growth, social media
Influencer Marketing, IG growth, social media

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Americanoize Overview


Phone: 7869087856

Country: United States

City: Miami

Address: 5255 Collins Avenue

  • Americanoize Project's Size

    $5,000 +

  • Americanoize Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Americanoize Hourly Rate

    $150 - $199 / hr

  • Americanoize Founded

    Founded 2017

We’re a global influencer marketing agency. Americanoize helps brands engage global audiences with leading influencers. We develop and execute creative influencer marketing strategies to amplify your brand and attract the right audience. Americanoize finds and manages key influencers on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch. Americanoize is a social media manager and content creator for Instagram, Pinterest and digital campaigns. We will develop a customized and unique strategy for each client based on their requirements and initial research. Our strategy includes all key elements such as goals and target audience, choice of social media platforms, type of content, duration.

Portfolio of Americanoize

Key clients: bloomingdales, sax fifth avenue, hitachi, surya brasil, one championship, msc cruise, mcdonalds, adidas, at&t, sola sweet, cbd medic
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