Anthony M Buzzeo CPA

Certified public accountant in Kingston, New York
Certified public accountant in Kingston, New York

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Anthony M Buzzeo CPA Overview


Phone: +1.845.338.4148

Country: United States

City: Kingston

Address: 411 Washington Ave # 202

  • Anthony M Buzzeo CPA Project's Size


  • Anthony M Buzzeo CPA Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Anthony M Buzzeo CPA Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Anthony M Buzzeo CPA Founded

    Founded 2001

Provides accounting and advisory services for several key industry segments including real estate, municipal and non-profit organizations, as well as small to mid-sized corporations and high net-worth individuals. It takes hard work and constant learning. We are always striving to grow and provide top quality services to our clients. Our strongest tool is the relationship we build with our clients. Our mission is to strive to be your most trusted advisor.

Services of Anthony M Buzzeo CPA

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