Avant Garde Digital Media
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Avant Garde Digital Media Overview
Phone: +1.301.778.8208
Country: United States
City: Laurel
Address: 8101 Sandy Spring Rd, 300
2 - 9
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 2013
Avant Garde Digital Media (AGDM) is an award-winning boutique digital media firm headquartered in Laurel, Maryland. We provide strategic and innovative digital media support for brands in all industries, with a particular emphasis on art, culture, politics, food and fashion. AGDM pushes past the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm to create a unique experience for each client.
Web Design | United States | Avant Garde Digital Media
The website offers a wealth of information on public relations, social media marketing, digital design, event planning and web design. Read our blog for useful tools or sign up to work directly with a digital media consultant.
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