Bandwidth Simplified
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Bandwidth Simplified Overview
Phone: 312-361-3380
Country: United States
City: Chicago
Address: 910 West Van Buren Street
2 - 9
$50 - $99 / hr
Founded 2012
Bandwidth Simplified was founded in 2012 by Al Kator, who at the time was working as a voice/data IT consultant. Al’s deep expertise with critical business communication technology and belief that businesses have unique telecom needs have allowed him to build a company that is completely customer-focused.
Since 2012, Bandwidth Simplified has built relationships with over 100 regional and national vendors to customize specific solutions for our clients while ensuring the lowest rates possible. By leveraging partner relationships, we are able to find the perfect solution that meets our clients’ needs, without upselling unnecessary solutions.
Our mentality is simple: we strive to understand your business before recommending a solution. To achieve this, we partner you with a single point-of-contact who learns your specific needs and goals and then tailors a solution for you.
Give us a call today for a free quote for your voice, data and IT business needs.
Telecom Consultant | Bandwidth Simplified
Bandwidth Simplified handles the entire telecom set up process for you — from gathering initial pricing to answering all of your questions after your systems are in place. We take an objective approach to securing quotes to make sure we find the best solution for your business.
Services of Bandwidth Simplified
Cloud Computing Focus
45% -
10% -
Google Cloud

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