Beantown Mobile Overview
Phone: +1 (781) 474-2232
Country: United States
City: Boston
Address: 50 Milk Street, 15th floor
$10,000 +
2 - 9
$50 - $99 / hr
Founded 2017
Our engineers have been developing applications since Apple first opened up the iOS platform to third-party developers. Having an engineering background and an entrepreneurial mind we quickly found our-self helping various companies bring their consumer and enterprise applications to life.
Our engineers built and re-engineered apps for companies ranging from household names like Intuit, Dell, MIT to high-profile startups like Applause and Hudl.
Having been a part of a number early-stage startups, we've gained experience across all of application development lifecycle: UI/UX research, architecting an app from scratch, app analytics, user conversion, and others.
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