Benjamin R Sargent CPA

Accounting firm located on the internet.
Accounting firm located on the internet.

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Benjamin R Sargent CPA Overview


Phone: +1.631.488.1177

Country: United States

City: Riverhead

Address: Riverhead

  • Benjamin R Sargent CPA Project's Size


  • Benjamin R Sargent CPA Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Benjamin R Sargent CPA Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Benjamin R Sargent CPA Founded

    Founded 2016

We don’t send random bills for services you didn’t know you were incurring. Consultations are always free, and if we’re going to start a billable project, we’ll discuss the fees upfront. We’re at the point in our lives where we’re looking to get to know you, settle down and do some tax planning, maybe talk about retirement, so if you’re looking the cheapest way to get this year’s forms filled out, keep swiping. We’re all about the long term.

Services of Benjamin R Sargent CPA

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