Bicom inc.

We spark the connection. You own the conversation.
We spark the connection. You own the conversation.

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Bicom inc. Overview


Phone: 514.223.6770

Country: Canada

City: Montreal

Address: 5425, av. Casgrain, espace 801

  • Bicom inc. Project's Size

    $10,000 +

  • Bicom inc. Number of Employees

    10 - 49

  • Bicom inc. Hourly Rate

    $100 - $149 / hr

  • Bicom inc. Founded

    Founded 2006

Marie-Noelle Hamelin and Vicky Boudreau founded bicom in 2006, innovating how to get brands noticed – for the right reasons and by the right people. Their motto? Make it happen, no matter what.

The principles of their partnership formed the values that guide bicom’s business today: attracting top talent and inspiring their hustle to deliver meaningful results. Together, they’re moving the company towards their vision of creating a strong network of locally-led creative communities that redefine the power of influence. They’re the best of friends, sharing an office and family vacations, and continue to rise to every challenge that comes their way.

In 2015, the duo opened the bicom Toronto office; the exponential growth that followed positioned bicom as one of Canada's most prolific agencies.

bicom — Communications & Marketing — Montréal + Toronto
bicom connecte les marques et leurs audiences par le biais de relations média, de marketing d’influence, de contenus numériques et d’expériences engageantes

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