IT Services in Orange County, CA
IT Services in Orange County, CA

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Phone: 949-243-7440

Country: United States

City: Irvine

Address: 4 Executive Circle, Suite 190

  • BRITECITY Project's Size

    $10,000 +

  • BRITECITY Number of Employees

    10 - 49

  • BRITECITY Hourly Rate

    $150 - $199 / hr

  • BRITECITY Founded

    Founded 2007

Company is a unique way to build continuous improvement into an organization and ultimately reduce IT problems over time. has designed a technology recipe for reducing per capita problems to keep staff productive. It's also focused on Orange County, so its just down the street. As an MSP in Orange County, I am very concerned about network security for small businesses. Many small business owners do not know how vulnerable they are to cyber security attacks. Since the weakest link in a company's network security is actually its own employees, business owners need to enhance their employees security training. To shed light on this issue, we have started hosting network security training events throughout Orange County and are now hosting them via live webinar. Our first security-focused lunch and learn took place near the end of February and was a huge success. During the event, I was able to highlight some of the things business owners can do to protect their networks from their own employees, whether it be through ignorance or targeted malicious attacks. As I mentioned earlier, the in-person lunch and learn was well received, and many of you have since contacted me to apologize for not being able to attend the event and to ask when it will be held. We decided that the information we provided during the event was very important to employers. We planned a webinar to follow soon so that more people could attend. And I attended the webinar! Because of the ever-increasing threats to network security, we decided to hold another webinar this Wednesday. The webinar is free to attend and will present the information live. Make sure you are ready with any and all questions you may have so you can get them answered. With the coronavirus and COVID-19, more employees are working from home these days than ever before, making it more important than ever to make sure your employees are using proper network security practices. Here are some interesting facts we presented at lunch and learn that will help you understand just how important this type of training is. The data was sampled from about 18,000 users and provided by WasatchSecurity. 34% clicked on a link in a phishing email that was sent to them. 29% were willing to give up their login credentials from the phishing email. When social engineering was used in spear phishing attacks (as we will discuss in the webinar), 100% of the companies tested were compromised.

Portfolio of BRITECITY

Key clients: The Remote Modern Workspace
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