Buzzbizz Creative, LLC
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Buzzbizz Creative, LLC Overview
Phone: 907.272.2899
Country: United States
City: Anchorage
Address: 426 Eagle St
10 - 49
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 2005
Small business owners often struggle with the complexities of marketing. Buzzbizz Creative offers a one-stop solution for marketing, freeing up entrepreneurs to focus on what they do best. We believe that local businesses are the backbone of our economy and our services give entrepreneurs an upper hand when competing in today’s big box, corporate marketplace. Buzzbizz Creative hosts an in-house full spectrum media production team who work hand-in-hand with our mass media and digital marketing specialists which saves you time energy and money the marketing process.
Buzzbizz Media | Digital Marketing Experts | ROI Marketing
Full spectrum media production and Anchorage digital marketing. centralizing the media production and marketing process helps save time, energy, and money.
Services of Buzzbizz Creative, LLC
Advertising Focus
Print advertising
30% -
Broadcast video advertising

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