Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc

Consulting Agency in Florence, Alabama
Consulting Agency in Florence, Alabama

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Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc Overview


Phone: +1.866.466.7888

Country: United States

City: Florence

Address: 250 S Poplar St

  • Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc Project's Size


  • Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc Founded

    Founded 2000

Open your kitchen drawer. Chances are, many products you find there were designed by Carter McGuyer Design Group. 

The company’s location in northwest Alabama is no accident. After all, this is also home to fashion designer Billy Reid, to the “Muscle Shoals Sound” that gave rise to so much popular American music, and to artists and creative people of all types. Maybe it’s because this was the birthplace of Helen Keller, and father of the blues W.C.

Services of Carter McGuyer Design Group, Inc

Product Design Focus

  • Prototype Design


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