Claire Burgess Consulting

business development, mindfulness & communications
business development, mindfulness & communications

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Claire Burgess Consulting Overview


Phone: 339.788.7476

Country: United States

City: Boston

  • Claire Burgess Consulting Project's Size


  • Claire Burgess Consulting Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Claire Burgess Consulting Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Claire Burgess Consulting Founded

    Founded 1998

Claire Burgess Consulting specializes in strategic partnerships, business development, mindfulness and communications, delivering sustainable solutions to a wide variety of industries and businesses, including the hospitality and tourism sector and wellness community. 

CBC provides comprehensive services and customized solutions by offering a premier level of service, high quality due diligence, and exceptional product results, leveraging the playing field.

Services of Claire Burgess Consulting

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