Conexess Group, LLC
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Conexess Group, LLC Overview
Phone: +1.615.242.1014
Country: United States
City: Nashville
Address: 3324 Charlotte Avenue , TN 37209
50 - 249
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 2009
Conexess is a national provider of career opportunities for skilled and hardworking professionals. With over 80 combined years of experience, we consistently attract top professionals by treating candidates with the utmost respect and professionalism, serving as a career counselor and continually updating consultants on new opportunities. Our knowledge of the marketplace and IT industry has allowed us to build deep and trusting relationships with leading businesses nationwide. At Conexess Group, our culture and values reflect our company's innovative approach toward attracting and retaining the most talented experts and producing consistent results for our Fortune 500 and mid-cap clients. Known for our technology leadership and our entrepreneurial passion, our firm has been delivering value to our clients by providing solutions to their most complex talent challenges.
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