Dylan S Greene
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Dylan S Greene Overview
Phone: +1.360.201.3331
Country: United States
City: Bellingham
$5,000 +
2 - 9
$100 - $149 / hr
Founded 2017
My name is Dylan Santos Green. I'm a mixed-race ball of energy that loves all things visual and linguistic, and the power of creating a strong message. Before I knew what I was doing, I was starting bands and hoping to make it big. Now, I'm helping brands fully realize their potential. It's a collaborative process. I do not claim to be the master – I ask my clients to embody a place of humility, so that we can make something together that is bold. Something to be proud of.
Dylan S Green
This is the official website of Dylan S Green, including portfolio, client _x000D_ work and updated blog material.
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