
Remarkable Virtual Reality & 360 Experience
Remarkable Virtual Reality & 360 Experience

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EdenVR Overview


Country: United States

City: Brooklyn

  • EdenVR Project's Size

    $10,000 +

  • EdenVR Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • EdenVR Hourly Rate

    $100 - $149 / hr

  • EdenVR Founded

    Founded 2016

EdenVR is a premier full-service production company that produces immersive solutions that impact, inspire, and awe their clients’ audience. They offer cross-reality production and live-action 360 content solutions to festivals, clubs, concert venues, and artists to connect them with their loyal fans anywhere in the world and increase their social engagement venue. Their team of expert producers possesses an impressive catalog of innovative solutions in the advertising and music industry.

Services of EdenVR

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