Harpreet Wadehra

Accounting Firm in Ontario, Canada
Accounting Firm in Ontario, Canada

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Harpreet Wadehra Overview


Phone: +1.905.790.0657

Country: Canada

City: Brampton

Address: Unit 52, 80 Maritime Ontario Blvd.

  • Harpreet Wadehra Project's Size

    $1,000 +

  • Harpreet Wadehra Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Harpreet Wadehra Hourly Rate

    $50 - $99 / hr

  • Harpreet Wadehra Founded

    Founded 2007

Harpreet Wadehra has been in public accounting since 2005 and obtained her Chartered Accountant designation in September 2007. Harpreet started her career with a one Partner firm in Ajax, Ontario and started practicing with a mid-size firm in GTA two years after. Working in both a small and mid-size firm environment has made Harpreet self-reliant, independent and knowledgeable. Whether you are looking for an audit for your owner managed business or for an audit for your Not for Profit organization, then look no further. Wadehra PC is full licensed and ready to guide you through the audit process. If you are looking for tax planning for yourself or your loved ones, we would be happy to help you. They say two things in life cannot be escaped, “death” and “taxes”. At Wadehra PC, we aim to help you figure out tax efficient ways to reduce taxes.

Services of Harpreet Wadehra

Portfolio of Harpreet Wadehra

Key clients: Lorraine Lobo, Jerry Klompmaker, Timekah Francis
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