Hay Design Incorporated

Interior Design company in Ontario, Canada
Interior Design company in Ontario, Canada

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Hay Design Incorporated Overview


Phone: +1.613.728.0954

Country: Canada

City: Ottawa

Address: 824 Meath Street

  • Hay Design Incorporated Project's Size

    $10,000 +

  • Hay Design Incorporated Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Hay Design Incorporated Hourly Rate

    $50 - $99 / hr

  • Hay Design Incorporated Founded

    Founded 2004

Hay Design Inc. an interior design company providing commercial, retail, residential, hospitality and healthcare design services, as well as project management, sustainable design, code analysis and accessibility. We focus on people and how they live, work and interact in the spaces we design.

Services of Hay Design Incorporated

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