Hok Nik Creative Inc.
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Hok Nik Creative Inc. Overview
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Founded 1995
We are an Edmonton group of graphic designers, developers, copy-writers, consultants, strategists, and geeks — serving clients in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and beyond. We provide effective print graphic design, web design solutions, and rich multimedia to a wide variety of industries like oil and gas, industry associations, electrical utilities, medical, dental, insurance and law firms, land and home developers, fabrication and manufacturing, media, malls, and retailers. From social media strategies to e-catalogs, to website and flat screen video presentations, we're continually evolving, innovating, and expanding our rosters of creative services.
Hök Nik Creative - Edmonton Graphic & Website Design| Edmonton Digital Marketing -Graphic Design + Website Design
From branding, to web design, to email marketing and video, we develop _x000D_
client solutions that work across platforms to deliver real business value.
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