Infinite Media Overview
Phone: 978.624.7106
Country: United States
City: Danvers
Address: 491 Maple Street Building 300, Suite 305
10 - 49
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 1993
More than two decades ago, Infinite Media was founded by a husband and wife team with a dream. STRATEGIC: Get you to market how and when you need to (like yesterday) CREATIVE: Give life to your company’s voice (and teach it to sing) EFFECTIVE: Complete projects on target, on time, and on budget (on our honor) ACCESSIBLE: Flexible. Relaxed. Friendly. Easy and enjoyable to work with (it’s fun to do what you love)
Marketing | Infinite Media | Danvers
Infinite Media is a corporate and marketing communications company, equipped with the talent and tools to provide creative, effective, fully integrated marketing communications.
Services of Infinite Media
Advertising Focus
Out of home advertising
25% -
Other advertising
25% -
Broadcast video advertising
Direct Marketing Focus
Direct mail

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