Jackson Fish Market

With love, care, and attention to detail.
With love, care, and attention to detail.

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Jackson Fish Market Overview


Phone: 206.724.4144

Country: United States

City: Seattle

Address: 815 Seattle Blvd.

  • Jackson Fish Market Project's Size


  • Jackson Fish Market Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Jackson Fish Market Hourly Rate

    $150 - $199 / hr

  • Jackson Fish Market Founded

    Founded 2006

Jackson Fish Market, founded by ex-Microsoft employees, creates “handcrafted software experiences”, or fairly small products with an emphasis on visual style and usability. Jackson Fish Market’s latest product is A Story Before Bed - a web service that lets parents and grandparents record videos of themselves reading children’s books to kids, when they can’t be there in person. Jackson Fish also has recently launched a line of iPhone apps for young children called Hippo Hooray that focus on teaching toddlers their numbers, letters, shapes, and colors.

JFM also has several consumer focused websites available for brand sponsorships including: They’re Beautiful! and They’re Ugly! - virtual flower services, Invitastic - a simple event invitation service, and What a Lovely Name - a baby naming service.

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