JAXX - a creative house

Stay relevant. Stay resonant. Move your narrative.
Stay relevant. Stay resonant. Move your narrative.

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JAXX - a creative house Overview


Phone: 4165042880

Country: Canada

City: Toronto

Address: 241 Spadina Ave, 2nd Floor

  • JAXX - a creative house Project's Size


  • JAXX - a creative house Number of Employees

    10 - 49

  • JAXX - a creative house Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • JAXX - a creative house Founded

    Founded 1994

JAXX designs, produces and delivers moving narratives for every platform, serving clients from conception through execution in commercial, episodic and feature-length projects. JAXX knows that today’s audiences expect and respond to branding and communication delivered as a multiplatform strategy, open to engagement. At JAXX we are always communicating across specialties and disciplines, sharing skills and insights with our sister companies: SpinVFX and SpinVR. Recent traction in the interactive experience sector has allowed JAXX, together with SpinVR to offer an efficient, yet sofisticated suite of AR, VR & 3D services to create more compelling content.


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