JBBD Overview
Phone: +1.323.650.1114
Country: United States
City: Los Angeles
Address: 942 1/2 Havenhurst Drive
2 - 9
Undisclosed / hr
Born in Alabama, raised in Paris and Boston, worked in Chicago and New York landed in Los Angeles. So many influences, so many cultures. Learned that nothing is the same in one place as it is another. Context.
Why I Design
Dream was to become an architect, became a painter instead. To make a living, became a copywriter and teamed with the best designers and art directors in the business. Learned why one approach worked and another didn't. Color, layout, form. Eye movement, choreography, and flow. Still, judge my work against the masters. If it doesn't match up, I do it over. Never stop learning. Never stop growing.
Why I Write
Always intrigued by words. The way they come together, flow into each other, shift meaning from one line to the next. Studied the greats, why they still resonate. Write stories, novellas, plays, columns, articles on life and the arts. Learned the importance of impact and brevity as a copywriter. Learned that style and fashion always change, but fundamentals do not. Language is a mystical art and true expertise is rare.
Why I'm in Business
To be in service, you must love to be of service. Nothing better than sharing what I've learned and experienced with clients and watch it turn into results. Thrilled when a new business concept comes to life, grow, sputters and evolves into a fully functioning website. Working with clients from start to finish is a true partnership. Rewards can be astonishing. There truly is nothing else like it.
Services of JBBD
Print Design Focus
Album Cover Art
25% -
Business Card
Branding Focus
Product branding

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