Leafy Greens Graphic Design
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Leafy Greens Graphic Design Overview
Phone: +1.919.923.5078
Country: United States
City: Chapel Hill
Address: 104 Eastgreen Drive
2 - 9
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 2003
Many years ago I made a conscious and deliberate decision to target the organizations that were in most need of what I could offer and the companies whose mission I could believe in. The result has been incredibly rewarding. The people I have the privilege to work with have shown me what true dedication is, and they are the fuel of my inspiration. This focus in my work has taught me that when you have a passion for the work you do, it’s evident in the product you create.
Leafy Greens Graphic Design studio in Chapel Hill
Leafy Greens Graphic Design specializes in strategic branding and visual messaging.
Services of Leafy Greens Graphic Design
Branding Focus
Brand strategy
Print Design Focus
Business Card

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