Lucas Creatives Inc

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Lucas Creatives Inc Overview


Phone: 6475886623

Country: Canada

City: Richmond Hill

Address: 180 West Beaver Creek Rd

  • Lucas Creatives Inc Project's Size

    $1,000 +

  • Lucas Creatives Inc Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Lucas Creatives Inc Hourly Rate

    $50 - $99 / hr

  • Lucas Creatives Inc Founded

    Founded 2018

Lucas Creatives is a Toronto based eCommerce agency specializing in WooCommerce, Shopify and BigCommerce startups, maintenance and development. We are passionate about what we do and always put the client first. We listen, learn and execute.

Toronto Digital Marketing Agency
We help market and build and manage best-in-class eCommerce brands. Schedule a free consultation with our experts.

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