MM Consulting

Salem, MA independent strategic marketing firm
Salem, MA independent strategic marketing firm

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MM Consulting Overview


Phone: 978.880.3080

Country: United States

City: Salem

Address: 20 Larchmont Rd

  • MM Consulting Project's Size


  • MM Consulting Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • MM Consulting Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • MM Consulting Founded

    Founded 2016

MM Consulting is an independent strategic marketing firm that focuses on taking the intimidation factor out of traditional and social media-based marketing for sole proprietors, start-ups, non-profits and small to medium sized businesses. MM Consulting provides clients with strategic direction and tactical management of marketing, social media and public relations’ efforts including but not limited to content creation, brand strategy, social channel management and advertising campaigns, & more.

Services of MM Consulting

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