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Netlandish Overview


Phone: 562.318.0100

Country: United States

City: Los Angeles

Address: 453 S. Spring St., Suite #610

  • Netlandish Project's Size

    $10,000 +

  • Netlandish Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Netlandish Hourly Rate

    $100 - $149 / hr

  • Netlandish Founded

    Founded 2008

Netlandish was founded in 2008, and we’ve been creating business software solutions ever since. When you need a custom application created or a specialized system, we're the team you want.

We're all about business breakthroughs thanks to smart backend systems, product launch test sites, media sites, micro-sites, and more. And we're not above the other stuff like system maintenance, monitoring, bug fixing, and automated deployment either.

Having worked with startups like, international organizations like the National Association of Realtors, large media companies like National Geographic Channel and small non-profits like Oregon BTA, as well as a long list of interactive agencies, we've honed our skill by collaborating with our clients to concept, develop, and produce customized systems designed to maximize your unique business model.

We're here to make your business run a little smoother, keep your systems a little more sophisticated, and position your business as a technical leader within your market.

Netlandish - Netlandish solves real business problems with uniquely tailored software solutions.
Netlandish leads in soliving complex problems with custom engineering and ingenuity. We specialize in Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Redis, FreeBSD, and Linux.

Services of Netlandish

Frameworks and CMS

  • Django


Application Platforms

  • Linux server


Programming & Scripting

  • Python

  • SQL

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