Nura Creative

Helping companies elevate their brand.
Helping companies elevate their brand.

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Nura Creative Overview


Phone: (778) 951-6686

Country: Canada

City: Vancouver

Address: 1285 West Broadway Suite #600

  • Nura Creative Project's Size

    $1,000 +

  • Nura Creative Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Nura Creative Hourly Rate

    $150 - $199 / hr

  • Nura Creative Founded

    Founded 2019

At Nura Creative, we take healthy client rapport as seriously as the work we set out to do. We believe in creating an environment of trust and transparency with our clients. We don’t believe in surprises. We create partnerships with brands and create a web presence that works for them—whether it’s compelling content or community management. We begin by coming up with a strategy by looking at the client’s goals and figuring out the most effective way of reaching all of them. Once the right strategy is in place, our team begins the work while maintaining tight communication with the client to ensure that they are aware of what takes place, every step of the way. We only close a chapter once the client is satisfied with the work delivered to them.

Portfolio of Nura Creative

Key clients: Monte & Coe, Ancore Auto Studio, Gyeon Quartz Cloth
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