Pietryla PR & Marketing
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Pietryla PR & Marketing Overview
$1,000 +
2 - 9
$150 - $199 / hr
Founded 2002
Pietryla PR & Marketing LLC is a boutique PR and digital marketing firm. We work best with clients going through a turning point - launching a new product, finding funding, changing their brand or implementing a new automation strategy. We specialize in media relations, online influence and strategy. What sets us apart from other firms or agencies is our ability to scale and the great business acumen we bring to our strategies. It’s not often you find public relations professionals and writers who are also good at running a successful business - knowing how to interpret success the same way your board of directors, investors and employees do is critical to ensuring that our work is aligned with your business goals.
Services of Pietryla PR & Marketing
SEO Focus
Reputation Managment
Portfolio of Pietryla PR & Marketing

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