Razorwire 5
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Razorwire 5 Overview
Phone: 5122179349
Country: United States
City: Austin
$10,000 +
10 - 49
$50 - $99 / hr
Founded 2004
Razorwire 5 is a micro-agency specializing in developing creative digital strategies for startups, mid-size, and enterprise companies. Every year, we select a handful of clients with unique ideas to collaboratively create engaging and disruptive digital products, ultimately revolutionizing the marketplace and establishing our clients’ dominant presence.
Our client list includes some of the names you've heard before: AT&T, Dell, Frost Bank, Nissan, UPS, CapitalOne, Caterpillar. It also includes several startups that are about to disrupt their industry.
We’ll make the shot count! And we’ll do it more efficiently and cost-effectively than the other brand name agency players, without sacrificing innovation and creativity. Our entire team comes from an agency background, but Razorwire 5 delivers at a fraction of the cost. We’re headquartered in the startup mecca of Austin, Texas and all our staff is based in North America.
PM, strategy, research, UX, IA, design, testing - $95/hr
development - $150/hr
Digital Strategy | Razorwire 5 | United States
Razorwire 5 is a micro-agency specializing in developing creative digital strategies for startups, mid-size, and enterprise companies. RW5 services include collaboratively defining digital strategies, onsite Blue Ocean workshops, UX, UI design, and custom development.
Services of Razorwire 5
Mobile Platforms
30% -
iOS - iPhone
30% -
iOS - iPad
User Experience Focus
UX Strategy
60% -
Usability Testing
20% -
User Research
Product Design Focus
Prototype Design

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