Scuotto Graphics Plus (SGP)
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Scuotto Graphics Plus (SGP) Overview
Phone: +1.562.547.8114
Country: United States
City: Whittier
Address: 11721 Whittier Blvd, Ste 177
2 - 9
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 1997
Scuotto Graphics Plus (SGP) has helped many different types of companies, organizations and people with their own project needs. Clients like Styles by Delores who is a hair stylists or Redondo Electric Inc. and even Myra who operates Myra’s Touch a place where you can get custom jewelry made. Our clients are not from a specific industry they’re from multiple types. For instance, Automotive Training, Church Events, Hair Salons, Instructional Design Writers, Plumbing, Business Start-ups to a women’s organization. The projects are as unique as the clients themselves. For example, we’ve done projects ranging from Logos, Postcards, Bookmarks, Banners, Training Materials, Slides, to Social Media etc.
SGP strives to provide the best quality of service for all its clients. A service of being on time and within budget. It all starts right from the kick off meeting and follows through to the finish line.
We understand how challenging and trying it can be to find a reputable graphic design company with integrity. that’s where we would like to help you.
Scuotto Graphics Plus
Services of Scuotto Graphics Plus (SGP)
Print Design Focus
Business Card
20% -
Greeting Cards
15% -
15% -
Advertising Focus
Print advertising

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