Sonya Lee International
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Sonya Lee International Overview
Phone: (949) 409-1195
Country: United States
City: Huntington Beach
Address: 319 6th Street, Apt F
$10,000 +
$100 - $149 / hr
Founded 2006
Accomplished senior consulting executive with 20+ years experience in digital media, bringing proven value and expertise with creative, strategy, vision and community. Emphasis on creation and management of large-scale multi-million dollar brands and products; leading diverse teams in executing strategic campaigns; contributing to global awareness and visibility; and attracting, developing and retaining top talent for teams.
Sonya Lee, Business Consultant & Medium
Deep business transformation takes commitment from all levels of the _x000D_ organization. Intuitive strategies align leaders and engage employees to _x000D_ achieve desired cultures.
Services of Sonya Lee International
Branding Focus
Brand strategy
User Experience Focus
UX Strategy

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