Stories That Work, Inc.
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Stories That Work, Inc. Overview
Phone: +1.267.909.8407
Country: United States
City: Philadelphia
$5,000 +
2 - 9
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 2003
✔ Are you feeling that your brand is old, tired and dusty? Or worse,
✔ Is it no longer reflecting what you do?
✔ Sales have flat-lined or are declining?
✔ Not winning new business?
✔ Not reflecting the rewarding experience you offer customers?
✔ Not standing out from your competitors?
✔ Use the same language as competitors?
Here's the tough question to ask yourself and answer honestly about your brand and "content":
Are you truly telling the brand story only you can tell in a way that only you can tell it? Is everyone who works for you, especially sales, marketing, and customer service telling the same story rather than making it up on the spot?
Through establishing your brand identity, values, and core story you bring to the market, together we develop story-driven marketing communications that engage prospects with normal human language and capture mind-share and heart-share. The result is action-oriented content that pulls customers to you.
I help B2B, B2C, and Non-profit organizations who want to differentiate their brands and marketing communications in all media. I help clients discover and express the most persuasive story they can tell.
Using STORIES THAT WORK narrative tools, clients identify surprising human values that can drive their value proposition, brand name, tagline and content. Clients go far beyond the same-old category generics into fresh expressions of their authentic brand values which can drive higher awareness, engagement and sales.
Stories That Work | Branding stories & marketing communication for business
Brand Performance and Brand Message Experts. Stories That Work helps others create powerful, personal stories that grow businesses and the people in them.
Services of Stories That Work, Inc.
Branding Focus
10% -
Brand strategy
Advertising Focus
Print advertising
10% -
Other advertising
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