Thier Curran Architects Inc

Architectural Firm in Ontario, Canada
Architectural Firm in Ontario, Canada

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Thier Curran Architects Inc Overview


Phone: +1.905.297.0863

Country: Canada

City: Hamilton

Address: 118 James Street North, Suite 301

  • Thier Curran Architects Inc Project's Size


  • Thier Curran Architects Inc Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Thier Curran Architects Inc Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Thier Curran Architects Inc Founded

    Founded 2005

Established in 2005 in Hamilton, Ontario, TCA | Thier + Curran Architects is a full-service design firm that is busy, dynamic, and ambitious. Our work is decidedly contemporary, yet respectful of context and history. Our buildings are thoughtful and engaging. They transcend the ordinary. Our diverse portfolio is founded on two constant principles: a highly collaborative design approach, and a recognition that buildings and sites themselves collaborate in the making of places.

TCA | Thier + Curran Architects Inc.
Thier + Curran is a full-service architectural design firm based in _x000D_ Hamilton, Ontario. Our architecture and interiors are thoughtful and _x000D_ engaging. They transcend the ordinary.

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