Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting

Interior Design Firm in Ontario, Canada
Interior Design Firm in Ontario, Canada

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Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting Overview


Phone: +1.416.588.2088

Country: Canada

City: Toronto

Address: 131 Miranda Ave

  • Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting Project's Size


  • Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Tomas Pearce Interior Design Consulting Founded

    Founded 2004

TPIDC Inc.’s whole design directive is the belief to marry their strong design philosophies with that of their client’s own style wishes. The firm offers a complete range of commercial and residential interior design services, space planning, project management and interior styling to a multi-national client base. The firms list of luxury residences is expansive and includes homes in many of Toronto’s desired communities and upscale condominium developments.

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