Traction Consulting

Microsoft CRM,, Power BI, Odoo ERP
Microsoft CRM,, Power BI, Odoo ERP

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Traction Consulting Overview


Phone: 2486799454

Country: United States

City: Wixom

Address: 28525 Beck Road, Suite 105

  • Traction Consulting Project's Size

    $50,000 +

  • Traction Consulting Number of Employees

    10 - 49

  • Traction Consulting Hourly Rate

    $150 - $199 / hr

  • Traction Consulting Founded

    Founded 1999

Often, CRM providers focus on selling you a "tool" like Microsoft CRM,, SharePoint, and others in order to facilitate customer relations. However, companies often find that once installed and trained, teams begin to drown in the complexity and data-overload that comes with most CRM systems today.

At TractionCRM, instead of selling you on a tool, we help you create and execute a three-year plan to fully utilize your toolset, and help teams achieve your strategic corporate initiatives for many years to come.

Portfolio of Traction Consulting

Key clients: Saleforce, Dynamic CRM
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