Tri-Power Design

A division of Tri-Power Consulting
A division of Tri-Power Consulting

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Tri-Power Design Overview


Phone: 973.227.7100

Country: United States

City: Denville

Address: 2 Richwood Place

  • Tri-Power Design Project's Size


  • Tri-Power Design Number of Employees

    10 - 49

  • Tri-Power Design Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Tri-Power Design Founded

    Founded 1996

Tri-Power Design maintains a highly professional team consisting of mechanical, manufacturing, biomedical, electrical, and design engineers, as well as programmers, product and industrial designers. Each team member is highly qualified, easy to work with, and always ready to respond to our clients needs even as they change.

Tri-Power Design and Engineering : TriPower Design
Tri-Power Design is developing and delivering innovative engineering solutions in Medical devices, Automation equipment, Prototypes, tooling design. R&D outsourcing

Services of Tri-Power Design

Product Design Focus

  • Prototype Design

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