Twin Oaks Marketing, LLC

Marketing for the Digital Age
Marketing for the Digital Age

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Twin Oaks Marketing, LLC Overview


Phone: 608.314.7371

Country: United States

City: Janesville

Address: 4227 Valencia Dr.

  • Twin Oaks Marketing, LLC Project's Size


  • Twin Oaks Marketing, LLC Number of Employees


  • Twin Oaks Marketing, LLC Hourly Rate

    Undisclosed / hr

  • Twin Oaks Marketing, LLC Founded

    Founded 2006

Jim started off in the shop. He would have been happy spending his life as a welder, but a serendipitous injury took him off his feet and into an office chair. As Jim climbed the ladder, he learned the ropes in the corporate world; learning how and why people buy was his life for many years. The biggest lesson he learned in the years in corporate America was that they are big and slow. This creates an environment for small business can keep ahead of them. Jim is a family man and a hometown boy. He believes that family comes first. He also believes that every local business should have a fighting chance and that is why he founded Twin Oaks Marketing. Everything he does in his business is done to give the small business owner a chance to use the technology of today to their advantage without being taken advantage of!

Web Design |Website Rebuild | Digital Signage | Mobile Web Design | FaceBook Management

Twin Oaks Marketing LLC helps clients one at a time to grow their business.Call us today at 608-314-7371

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