Woodbury & Morse Advertising Overview
Phone: +1.207.772.2122
Country: United States
City: Portland
Address: 100 Commercial St
2 - 9
Undisclosed / hr
Founded 1997
Woodbury & Morse is a full-service advertising and PR firm offering account management, strategic planning, media buying, PR & creative services. The agency opened officially in the fall of 1997.
Woodbury & Morse is, first and foremost, a creatively driven agency in all aspects of our work. We are constantly striving for "silver bullet" solutions to marketing and PR problems. But we also recognize that the success of our creative thinking owes much to our insistence on strategic thinking.
Woodbury & Morse Advertising and Public Relations - Portland, e
Woodbury & Morse Advertising and Public Relations - Portland, e
Services of Woodbury & Morse Advertising
Advertising Focus
Print advertising
40% -
Broadcast video advertising

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