Zahavian Legal Marketing

We Help Law Firms Grow with SEO + Online Marketing
We Help Law Firms Grow with SEO + Online Marketing

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Zahavian Legal Marketing Overview


Phone: 855-810-5286

Country: Canada

City: Cambridge

Address: 3135 Prospect Rd

  • Zahavian Legal Marketing Project's Size

    $1,000 +

  • Zahavian Legal Marketing Number of Employees

    2 - 9

  • Zahavian Legal Marketing Hourly Rate

    $100 - $149 / hr

We create and manage digital marketing campaigns, design and implement funnels specifically for law firms. Our process is proven to generate new, converting leads.


Every law firm is different, with its own people, strengths and weaknesses, primary practice areas, targeting strategy and growth objectives. We build and develop a tailored marketing strategy for each firm we work for to meet their criteria and goals.

Law Firm Web Design, Marketing & SEO - Zahavian Legal Marketing
Zahavian consultants provide years of knowledge and experience in helping small and mid-sized law firms grow their practices and sign up more clients.

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